
Introduce yourself and anyone else on the call and their roles


Today we’ll be taking around 15 minutes to talk to you to understand your experience of learning cloud.

Feel free to be as open and honest as you’d like, anything that you share will help us create better experiences for you in the future.

Just to confirm, we’ll be recording this interview, it’s to help us with note-taking later on and not going to be shared - is that ok for you? [START RECORDING

Profile (5 min)

So before we jump right in, we’d like to know a little bit more about you & what you’re learning

Untitled Database

Usage (10 min)

We’re going to switch gears a little now to talk about your recent experience using ACG.

Untitled Database

Can you tell me more about...x

Can you give me an example of x

You mentioned x, but y, what make it different

Thanks so much for your time, we will send your $xx voucher to your email address.

Please reach out to my email if you have any further question, comment